
Prepared speech is over. Yay.
IELTS speaking test, however, is not.
The same goes to the Cambridge mock interview.
Both of them will take place this Monday, back to back.
Starting with the test. This time I'm doing it with Ms Susan. Hm.

These things on Monday leave me to question the relevance of going back this weekend.
If I choose to go back, that means I'll be missing the Raya celebration on Saturday night.
But at least I won't be missing the the fun the following weekend.
But if I don't go back, everything is vice versa.

And I haven't prepared much for the mock interview, besides the optimism I hold dear that it will be smooth sailing, that is.
I don't wanna look dumb. Then don't act like one! -Right.

Interhouse dance competition was over last night.
Wasn't the best of performances, but for making use of the limited time to prepare a 'proper' performance for the audience, I would say it's a great attempt nonetheless.
Congratulations Garnet.